History of the institute

Information About The History And Activities Of Andijan State Medical Institute
Andijan State Medical Institute was established in 1955. Since it was the only higher educational institution of Fergana Valley in the medical field, a lot of work was done to establish the activities of the institute. Outstanding achievements in the development of Andijan State Medical Institute of such selfless compatriots as Yusuf Otabekovich Otabekov, Rakhim Muhammedovich Nurmukhammedov, Satkul Usmanovich Dzhumabaev and professional doctors should be noted.Today’s successes achieved by the institute over many years of development brought it to the world level.
Today, the institute prepares students at the Therapeutic, Pediatric, and Dental faculties, Advanced Training and Retraining of Physicians in directions professional education, high qualified nurses, preventive medicine , pharmacy, as well as in 29 specialties of Master’s degrees program . In particular, courses for advanced training of doctors in all areas of the valley were organized at the faculty of advanced training and retraining of physicians.
There are 56 departments in the Institute and includes 533 professors, 36 doctors (14 of them are professors) and 130 candidates (104 of them are docents). The scientific potential of the institute is 31.7%.
There are 4 faculties: Therapeutic, Pediatrics, Dentistry and Advanced Training and Retraining of Physicians, 7 bachelor educational directions: Therapeutic, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Professional Education, High Qualified Nurses, Preventive Medicine and Pharmacy. Educational process helds in 29 specialties of Master`s degree program. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 2909 dated April 20, 2017, two new specialties were opened in the magistracy from 2019-2020 academic year:
5A 510102 Endocrinology,
5A 510126 Pharmacology.
In the new academic year, it is planned to receive 100 foreign citizens from (India, Pakistan, and South Korea) in the direction of Therapy.
About 20 students were enrolled in the Dentistry direction, organized jointly with the Dagestan State Medical University of the Russian Federation.
8 holders of Master`s Degree Program in Medical Engineering Direction of Andijan Machine Building Institute have completed the 1st academic year and in 2019-2020 academic year the 2nd year students will study in Tegu University of South Korea .
The National Medical Neurosurgery Center of the Russian Federation named after N.N.Burdenko has established a joint educational and methodological center at the clinic of ASMI.
In the 2019/2020 academic year, the institute includes 3903 students in 7 bachelor educational directions, 391 holder`s of the master degree in 29 specialities of Master degree program, 20 students according to the joint program, 100 students in foreign directions, total – 4414 students expected to study. Currently, the Institute 39 foreign students studies in ASMI. They are citizens of the Russian Federation, the Kirgizistan, Afganistan, South Korea and Kazakhstan.
According to the curriculum for the 2019/2020 academic year, there are 7 educational directions available in the Institute (trerapeutic, pediatrics, dentistry,professional education, high qualified nurses, preventive medicine, pharmacy) and the schedule and working curricula are developed and approved by the Central Methodological Board of the Institute.
Professors from 45 departments have developed 521 working training programs, using foreign experience, as well as educational and methodological complexes, which are reviewed and approved by the faculty council, CMC. Electronic versions of the CMD are recorded in CD discs and delivered to the IRC.
Study rooms, lecture halls and laboratory rooms (biology, medical biology, biological chemistry, biophysics, microbiology, normal physiology) are equipped with modern teaching equipment (computer, projector, smart TV, electronic whiteboard, laboratory equipment, electronic forms in the visual laboratory) and widely applied.
In the 2019-2020 academic year, telemedicine operates at the departments of general surgery, surgical diseases, facultative surgery, urology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, neurosurgery, located in the clinic of ASMI. Students have the opportunity from study rooms to observe the progress of the operation and communicate directly with the surgeon.
Based on the decision of the PP №. 3171 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 20, 2017 “On measures to provide further specialized medical care to the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021,” for the first time in the Republic on the basis of Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Andijan State Medical Institute and Samarkand State Medical Institute established simulation training center on September 10, 2018, its opening event took place.
The study rooms of anesthesiology-resuscitation, surgery, otolaryngology, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, neonatology, propaedeutic of internal diseases, ophthalmology, anatomy, dentistry of the simulation training center of the institute are equipped with new robots, phantoms, which contributes to the students’ mastering practical skills in subjects.
The institute has established stable international relations with 43 prestigious higher educational institutions and medical centers. In 2018, the Institute’s management signed 10 cooperation agreements, including 22 agreements with higher education institutions and medical centers of the Russian Federation.
In the framework of agreements on cooperation between the institute, distance learning was conducted at the conference hall together with foreign universities. In 2018-2019 academic year, professors and teachers delivered more than 30 distance lectures, conducted master classes at the prestigious foreign higher educational institutions (Russian National Research Medical University named after Pirogov, National Research Center of Neurosurgery named after N.N.Burdenko, and Scientific Research Center Oncology named after N.N. Blokhin, Dagestan State Medical University, Yonsei University of the Republic of Korea, Koshitsa University of Slovakia and others).
In the 2019-2020 academic year, an electronic knowledge assessment system was developed, electronic student attendance, an electronic journal were introduced.
In the center of informative technology “Center -Media” of the Institute, educational and methodological complexes developed by professors and teachers of the departments and recorded in CD, DVD discs are provided.
In the center of informative technologies there are 121 test banks in Uzbek and Russian languages in 7 directions of bachelor degree and 29 specialties of Master’s degree program.
In the 2019/2020 academic year, the departments prepared the following electronic resources;
– in all subjects there are electronic and audio lectures – 536;
– in clinical subjects, an electronic pharmacological notebook – 236;
– Car courses on the impeccable implementation of practical skills.
The CIR has created all the conditions for professors, teachers, students to study educational, scientific, and fiction. In future plans to establish mini-printing center.
The MEDIA CENTER, established at the Information Technology Center, provides AUDIO, VIDEO-lectures, VIDEO-LESSONS for students, masters and clinical interns. The base of this center is updated by leading professors and teachers of the institute. At the computer hall of the Institute, there are 60 computers for use by teachers, students, masters and clinical interns.
In addition, links are established through a static address with the WEB OF SCIENCE, SCOPUS , which are considered prestigious information databases.
All professors and teachers are registered in the MOODLE system at ITC of the Institute.
A memorandum on joint cooperation was signed with GEOTAR – Media publishing house, according to which the educational literature published in 2018-2019 was brought in 121 titles in 142 copies for 46,434,748.80 soums.
56 departments exists at the institute, the total number of teachers working at the main rate is 630 people, of which 38 are doctors of science, 151 are candidates of science. Scientific potential is 30.0%.
For the development of scientific and research activities, the effective organization of corporate innovative cooperation with scientific and medical institutions, as well as the establishment of integration of science and production, an innovation center and 4 innovation groups were organized by order of the rector.
In the scientific-research laboratory of the institute, as part of the State scientific and technical program, research work is being carried out. For these experimental purposes, the Institute has a vivarium.
The scientists of the institute conduct research activities in the following areas:
- Diagnosis of the main diseases of the cardiovascular system using modern and innovative technologies, the development of effective methods of treatment, prevention and implementation of them into practice.
- 2. The study of the epidemiology of chronic noncommunicable diseases among the population of Fergana Valley, the creation of effective methods and methods of treatment and prevention.
- 3. The study of age-related changes in the anatomical and topographic and histological characteristics of the fetus, newborns, children of various age groups, as well as the elderly. The study of the physical development of children of preschool and school age.
- Introduction of scientific activity and implementation of the practice of protecting motherhood and childhood, taking into account the regional characteristics of the Fergana Valley.
- Prevention of complications of surgical diseases, improvement of surgical methods of treatment . Implementation of technologies in surgery.
- Improvement of measures for the prevention and treatment of viral hepatitis, acute infectious diseases, HIV – infection, clinical – immunological features of AIDS in Fergana Valley.
- The study of pathologies of traumatological, orthopedic diseases, pathologies of the spinal column and spinal cord, diagnostics using innovative technologies, the development of effective methods of treatment and the introduction of modern technologies into practice..
- Prevention of oncological diseases , prevention, early diagnosis, the use of new technologies in the treatment.
- Determining the health indicators of the population of Fergana Valley, studying the effects of the environment.
During the years of independence, the Institute’s scientists published 93 monographs, 1080 articles in scientific journals of Uzbekistan and 842 articles in foreign journals. 305 patents were acquired for 1920 rationalization proposals and 2075 practical works were prepared. At that time 152 candidates of medical sciences, 61 doctors of medical sciences, 4 doctors of sciences (DSc) and 20 doctors of philosophy (PhD) were trained.